Studies suggest that 94% of Google SGE links deviate from Organic Search Results

Studies suggest that 94% of Google SGE links deviate from Organic Search Results

The study reveals a significant disparity between Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) and organic search results, particularly in the realm of commercial keywords. According to Authorita’s analysis, a staggering 94% of SGE links differ from those found in the top 10 Google organic search results. This raises concerns about the potential impact on organic traffic to websites, as searchers might obtain answers directly from Google’s AI-generated responses.

In the examination of keywords, SGE exhibited its capabilities by showing results for 86.8% of the analyzed terms. However, the divergence between SGE-generated links and organic search results becomes apparent when considering the actual content. SGE presented approximately 10 links per answer, yet only four of them were unique. This suggests a tendency for repetition and limited diversity in the information provided through SGE.

Furthermore, the study underscores that SGE’s AI-generated answers often lead to content that doesn’t align with the top-ranking organic search results. A mere 4.5% of the time did a URL in the generative content precisely match a URL in the organic results, and an even smaller percentage (1.6%) matched at the domain level. This implies that SGE introduces URLs that are overwhelmingly different from those found in organic search results, amounting to 93.8% of the time.

Interestingly, the study identifies a potential opportunity for websites struggling to reach the top 10 of Google’s organic results. SGE occasionally provides links to content that doesn’t make it to the top of organic rankings, potentially allowing these websites to gain visibility through the AI-generated answers.

Delving into the specifics, the analysis reveals that, on average, SGE displays 10 links, but only four of them are unique. Moreover, these links tend to originate from four unique websites, indicating a limited pool of sources for the information presented by SGE. This raises questions about the diversity of perspectives and the potential impact on user access to a wide range of information.

The study also highlights the prevalence of the Generate button version of SGE, where Google prompts users to generate an AI response. This version appeared 65.9% of the time, surpassing the Show more button format, where Google reveals part of its AI-generated response. This suggests a preference or emphasis on encouraging user engagement in generating AI responses.

To conduct this comprehensive analysis, data for 1,000 commercial keywords was collected over two days in December 2023. The data was sourced from a logged-in New York-based Google Chrome account holder, encompassing keywords across ten distinct categories, including Automotive, Ecommerce & Retail, Entertainment, Fashion & Apparel, Finance, Food & Beverage, Health & Wellness, Legal, Technology & Electronics, and Travel & Hospitality.

In conclusion, the study sheds light on the intricate dynamics between Google’s SGE and organic search results, emphasizing the potential impact on website traffic and the nuances in the information presented by the AI-generated answers. As the digital marketing landscape evolves, understanding these dynamics becomes crucial for businesses and content creators aiming to optimize their online presence and adapt to the changing search environment.

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